16th annual cadet film awards 2009
best picture Winner:Star Trek Nominees:AvatarDistrict 9The Hurt LockerMoon Top 10 of 2008...
14th annual cadet tv awards 2009
drama series Winner:Madmen Nominees:GalacticaBig LoveBreaking BadDamagesLost comedy series...
15th annual cadet film awards 2008
best picture Winner:The Dark Night Nominees:The Curious Case of Benjamin ButtonRachel Getting...
12th annual cadet music awards 2008
album of the year In Ghost Colours Cut Copy Nominees Intimacy Bloc Party Rockferry...
13th annual cadet tv awards 2008
drama series Winner:Damages Nominees:GalacticaDexterLostMadmen comedy series Winner:3ORock...
12th annual cadet tv awards 2007
drama series Winner:The Sopranos Nominees: GalacticaFriday Night LightsDeadwoodLostRome comedy...
14th annual cadet film awards 2007
best picture Winner:No Country For Old Men Nominees:Across the UniverseAtonementThe Bourne...
12th annual cadet music awards 2007
album of the year winner What the Sea Wants, the Sea Will Have – Sarah Blasko ...
11th annual cadet music awards 2006
album of the year winner Plans - Death Cab For Cutie nominees Corrine Bailey Rae –...
13th annual cadet film awards 2006
best picture Winner:Children of Men Nominees:The DepartedLittle Miss SunshineLittle ChildrenThe...